Kakumeiki Valvrave Ep 24 (Finale): So… Haruto Died

Well… every successful rebellion comes with a huge sacrifice.

I don’t know what to say about the finale (EXCEPT S3 PLS). The build-up to the rebellion was so intense that this episode didn’t really amaze me any further… in fact it was extremely rushed. Like c’mon! We made it this far, at least end properly and tell us how the other characters are feeling, how the future looks like (who’s that kid that suspiciously looks like a mix between Haruto and L-elf), and what happens to Plue/Pino and their species. Code Geass’ ending was waaaaayyyy better. Valvrave’s ending honestly was pretty bland, an okay happy ending.

Well each episode of Valvrave was usually driven by new plot and action, and more discoveries. I guess the ending was pretty expected, and the fight scenes were just… cliche (we’ve had enough of shattered memories too), so there wasn’t anything to hype me up. But I still cried (lol i’ve been crying for almost every damn episode of Valvrave).



Haruto, still stereotypically heroic as fuck, in his final moments

Haruto, still stereotypically heroic as fuck, in his final moments





looks like Frau from 07-Ghost

looks like Frau from 07-Ghost






dem sparkly bright shoujo eyes

dem sparkly bright shoujo eyes

ERU ERUFU mesmerized by Haruto’s beauty

well… he died anyway

well… he died anyway

Did anyone else find L-elf a little out-of-character here? Like he transformed into some emotional, fragile, cute little thing. Well we got to see lots of his cute faces so I don’t really care, but i’m really in disbelief at how his character acted then– it seemed the producers just made him into a sentimental, crying friend who really loved Haruto just to fit into a stereotypical sad scene. But no. L-elf is the type of man who would say “Well bro, don’t worry. You did well, and i’ll handle everything else. The world is safe in my hands, and you can rest now.” He wouldn’t be such a tsundere. “You don’t remember anything… about u-us?”

Well look WHO became popular

Well look at WHO became popular





Well, at least Haruto got made into a statue :D And Shoko seems to be the new pilot of the Valvrave, a very good decision. You can totally imagine what she’s thinking: taking up the curse, the blessing that Haruto left behind, to protect what is important to her. And of course, to forever face and to remember Haruto. She definitely regrets not telling Haruto that she loved him before he died.

So overall i’m kinda disappointed with the ending, but Kakumeiki Valvrave as a whole was an awesome anime. Doubt there’s gonna be a S3 since the ending seems concluded enough, but one can keep hoping right? :’) Well if YOU are feeling sentimental and are still gushing over Valvrave, read this hilarious post to remember the best parts of Valvrave!


Edit: Here’s a cliche quote! Don’t be sad because it’s over, smile because it happened! Hee hee hee.

Wowz look at my amazing editing skills! I swear I could do better xD

Here’s the original image. Ahh well, I really did love Valvrave!

One more issue to clarify: At the end the Valvraves seem to ask their pilot “Do you believe in human beings?” instead of “Do you resign as a human being?”– Obviously no one takes it in the literal do you believe that humans exist sense, and my best guess is that the Pino (more like Plue/their species) are asking the pilot if he has faith in the goodwill of humanity, to coexist with other species. Do you trust the good intentions of humans? And so we’re supposed to realize that pilots need to be fighters of justice who are basically good people like Heroic Haruto ahaha. Man, idk.

72 thoughts on “Kakumeiki Valvrave Ep 24 (Finale): So… Haruto Died

  1. 117

    Kakumeiki Valvrave, is my favorite anime this season. Haruto dying is one I expected but do not want to happen because I at least want him to have a good life with Shoko or even Saki But this anime would have been more awesome if it has two seasons with twenty plus episodes per season. Maybe the possibility of S3 is slim but if they decided to have one I think it would be the New generation and things like that.

    1. Aleris Celt Post author

      I love Valvrave! And I expected him to die too… although he sure left a lot of scars (Saki’s still guilty and sad, Shoko is still raped and heartbroken). Whatever though, seems like Saki X A-Drei, and Shoko X Responsibility are now possible ships xD And the rest of the students and L-elf were just shown as being happy in the future– PLZ, give us your thoughts and resolutions!

      Whenever an anime has so many episodes in a season it deters some people from watching it… Valvrave was good enough, the ending was just not.

      1. silver horn 2301

        Well i agree that the ending sucked but the way the story was going i pretty much guessed it but still it would have been awesome if haruto would have survived and lived happily with shoko (since rukino was a total bitch)but still the anime was good specially for those who like action.and i think their would be no season 3 for sure :( because the end was justified.

  2. TaG

    I agree with pretty much everything you said. I don’t know if I want a season 3 so much as I would like to see a Gundam 00-style OVA to wrap things up.

    1. Aleris Celt Post author

      TRUDAT! Saki was too precious to kill (too many damn fans), and uhh, I don’t even care about Akira! Tsunderes aren’t cute! Well at least L-elf and A-drei are present. Too bad Haruto couldn’t join their bro gang, but he died a good death.

  3. KingSlayer233

    What bull this episode was. The writers tried to hard to make a touchy feely and show they can make dark decisions. Well i will tell you this i dont care whether Haruto lives or dies but if this was the ending they were going for he shouldve lived. His sacrifice didnt mean enough and he left so much not done. All in all the writers tried too hard i would almost recommend a reboot and listen to what they have done wrong and fix it starting with
    •Enough dark moments to be serious but let in a little happiness.
    •Make sure character relationships are clear before you decide to kill someone

    1. Aleris Celt Post author

      show they can make dark decisions

      PRECISELY– i’m still mad at the rape gimmick. I have no damn idea how Haruto would get runes from raping Saki. Then why not attempt to rape L-elf as well?! But I can’t say that the rape was simply a useful move to generate heated discussions and interest for the show… it did add something to the plot. Something Haruto is overwhelmed with already– misery! Guess the guilt and responsibility he felt distanced him from Shoko, and made the audience feel the unfairness of uncontrollable situations, the repercussions of taking up something beyond yourself. Pain on everyone’s part.

      OH I just thought of another ending– Haruto survives without any memories. Shoko/Saki (shit I have no idea who I should choose) promise to take care of him for the rest of his life and give him happy memories. L-elf laughs bitterly at his naivety and innocence. That symbolizes a fresh start for all of them as well, and at least the ending wouldn’t be so solemn and depressing.

      Yeah so many deaths. I guess there isn’t time to develop every character properly, but I really was enjoying how each character was turning out (Yamada especially, lol). And I was really sad that H-Neun died too :(

  4. jvlinato

    to me i kinda really wanna avoid haruto death because u know in the anime some weird and unexpected things always happen am i right?so its like i really want haruto to live like one of the girl that use up her runes died(i cant remember her name:P)so its like i dont want the same to happen to haruto so that maybe he can do something to the 2 girls that like him so much but……seriously why must the ending be like guilty crown and who is the little kid with white hair?is it L-elf child?i mean even if it is L-elf child who did he married to?XD

    1. Aleris Celt Post author

      The girl who died after using all her runes is Marie! It’d be funny if Haruto survived without his memories, and Saki and Shoko are competing to get his attention xD Well, Saki has to live with the scar of letting Haruto rape her despite knowing where his true affections lie, and Shoko has to bear the guilt of hurting and pushing Haruto away.

      I wanna know who the kid is too!! HAHA no one is worthy for L-elf! It’s either A-Drei X Kriemhild or A-Drei X Saki :D OR WAIT WAIT WAIT HERE’S ANOTHER MAGICAL POSSIBILITY

      Hell yeah

      1. jvlinato

        to me saki wont really have to leave a scar because she likes him but haruto likes shoko like u say but u know maybe he can take in 2 wives right?XD i mean saki isnt that bad as well hahaha but u know u say it would be weird if he didnt die and lost all his memory but u know anything can happen so maybe in the anime series thry say few years later then they show haruto remembering some part of his past and stuff and then end it while in the meantime shoko take over as the pilot first then after haruto recover and then past it back to him.i am still kinda sad overall its been a long time since i had this feeling because the only anime that make me feel like this is guilty crown so yea….

  5. rainfield

    this ending was terrible…and i honestly feel a regret of seeing season 2. This had so much potential, even the story in season 2..but the ending was just so fcking demoralizing. I cant accept that Haruto ended up with nothing and never got to say what he thought about Shoko, or that Rukino never got her chance. What moral?! What kind of message are they sending out. Urge people to just keep everything to themselves and then end up dieing right and left and never getting to know the truth of peoples intentions. And when it comes to love i feel like its even more important for poor people like me that never experience someones love, that the heroes and heroines get to experience it. Not ending up with a 2 dudes that practically been evil the whole freakin serie. “-Yeah, lets just kill off three of the people that actually wanted love and was important to the story, just to mess with the people that watch this” Inazuka and his could-be wife. Haruto and possibly Rukino or Shoko. And ofc leave the poor souls that are still alive and lost the ones they loved. I know everything isnt fair in life. But HAVE restraint!
    imagine seeing Frodo, Sam, Aragon, Eowyn and perhaps someone more just drop dead in the last Lord of the Rings movie. Opinions?

    1. Aleris Celt Post author

      Sigh. I personally enjoyed Season 2 more than Season 1 (maybe it’s because I know the characters well already) and really loved Valvrave overall, but yup, the ending sucked. It was rushed, inconclusive, and you’re right– utterly demoralizing (the music at the end was sorrowful also urgh how could they end like this). Shoko and Saki are actually good female leads with character. Too bad Haruto just left them with huge wounds in their hearts, and they can’t even blame him because he died a heroic death.

      AH man, I think the producers did try to make random and fun couplings at the end (A-Drei X Kriemheld/Saki, and Satomi X Takahi), but it didn’t really help to lighten the mood. I don’t know what to say about the other pilots who died… it was pretty damn painful, and it just showed that sacrifices were inevitable in a war. They really did deserve a happy life :( Well… while i’m not satisfied, I still enjoyed the ride! I really loved the cast of Valvrave; each character had really endearing personalities in their own way.

      1. rainfield

        I guess you are right aswell. There are things that cant be helped…in the real world atleast, but isnt that one of the main reasons we enjoy watching stories that end well? Isnt there enough of sadness going around the world?

        Also another thing i failed to mention regarding the Valvrave serie. How come Haruto and Marie were the only one that were so incredibly affected by memory loss. All the others seemed to do just fine. And Rukino was flying around in the future fighting other dudes long after the whole series took place. And she seemed just fine and didnt seem to have any memory losses of what happened. Take a look at Episode 7 start season 1. IT DOES NOT FIT ANYWHERE to what really happens in season 2. 200 years?! WTH?

      2. Aleris Celt Post author

        :( I dislike character deaths in general as well… But sometimes they make more impact (Lelouch’s death was very good and very bittersweet). Haha I know! The producers were too conflicted on whether Haruto should end up with Shoko or Saki so they decided to just heck everything and kill him off (jeez Haruto, you created such heartbreak, such a mess). If not, either girl would be living in solitude! JK JK

        That’s true– let me try to explain this. Marie was abnormal, and she couldn’t be a pilot because she couldn’t hold back her rune usage. Now Haruto is the real problem! At first I accepted Haruto’s death (after using up all of his runes) because Cain seemed to have damaged Unit 01, perhaps leaking out the runes. And Haruto being the usual Heroic Haruto with his fighting spirit held on till the end to defeat Cain. But Haruto has been losing his memories consistently, and yet that didn’t happen to the other pilots! I have no idea why. The only thing we know is that there isn’t any AI like Pino or Plue in the other Valvraves– they were probably powered by Haruto’s runes alone. (Is that so?)

        YES I JUST WENT TO REWATCH omg the feels

        Saki is so pretty and strong! I wonder what was the promise she was referring to though. Haha I guess these random timeskips of the future was meant to excite us (it certainly did).

      3. Andrea

        @Aleris Celt: the promise that Saki is referring to is the pinky promise she had with Haruto to “never give up,” after she asked Haruoto how much memories he had lost. I think it is somwhere in Season 2 ep11 or 12.

      4. Wyatt


        Pino points out at some point that Haruto is the same as Marie in that he doesn’t have the subconscious “limiter” that prevents him from spending memories to feed Valvrave. She was quite distressed about it.

    2. victor stone

      i agree, instead of rushing to end it,there should’ve been a season 3 or atleast 2 to 3 ovas to explain everything

  6. Andrea Isabel Sena

    I am really intrigued on who’s child was the little boy with silver hair like L-elf/A-Drei. Is it the child of Saki and Haruto? because she was raped once by Haruto? 0r child of Saki and A-drei?remember that episode when the child was called the prince?and A-Drei s a prince.

    1. Aleris Celt Post author

      Okay… first, let’s look at the child.

      Here’s my take on the three possible parents he could have:

      1) Haruto and Saki: As much as I wish for this (because I didn’t want the rape to be meaningless), this is probably not the case. While Haruto being a ‘First Knight’ could have made his offspring a prince, I doubt this because he never once called Saki his mother, and Saki appeared to be more of a teacher to him. Also, SILVER HAIR!!!

      2) A-Drei and Someone: This is the most possible, IMO! Since A-Drei was straightforwardly mentioned to be a prince. But I still don’t think Saki is the mother since Saki called the child ‘prince’, and no mother would do that right?

      3) L-elf and Someone: Look at him.

      Based on his appearance, he probably became the king of the new Dorssia/JIOR, so his son would be a prince too. Plus he looks so much more gentle, so it’s possible that he found a lover (though he is still living out Lieselotte’s dream of having a peaceful nation for humans and the Kamitsuki). At this point we can only speculate, but that child sure is one lucky guy :D I think he has fans too ahaha

      1. 117

        It is more than likely it is 2 or 3 but I really want the 1 but it is impossible because of the silver hair barrier I want season 3 and I don’t care what plot convince they use to bring Haruto back and so I can see Haruto and Saki together

      2. rainfield

        @117 idd, i dont care either, make Haruto come back, pair him up with Saki. That would close my wounds even tho it would be incredibly stupid.

      3. Andrea

        I would prefer #2. In royal families, even a queen sometimes addresses her own son as “prince.” I do not want L-elf to fall in love with Shoko nor anybody else. L-elf belongs to me, just kidding, he should forever be in love with Lieselotte.

      4. Aleris Celt Post author

        @117 and rainfield: Guyz guyz y’all are all choosing Saki over Shoko? :( Man… i’m pretty conflicted over this too (heh so maybe Haruto dying would spare either girl the pain of seeing him with someone else). Saki and Shoko are both independent and wise girls… neither would blame him for leaving them :/ Urgh, I dunno.

        @Andrea: HAHAHA share L-elf with me please! But yeah L-elf should keep Lieselotte in his heart forever. About A-Drei and Saki… hmm. That’s spoiling the BL coupling for A-Drei and L-elf too xD Their personalities seem like they might clash though.

      5. Outbackjim21

        Isnt 1 still possible, the point of the kamitsuki attacks were to gain information right, and the professor says that theoretically DNA was capable of being runes. Since l-elf was the first person that haruto body jacked, he could have also taken his dna into himself, and when he raped saki, she could still be the mother, but the father is both haruto and l-elf.

    2. rainfield

      Consider the bum-“prince” him having silver hair and its an anime, i dont feel like its relevant, but i agree that he looks like L-11. BUT why cant he just not be related to anyone? Also regarding that Pino and Plu were the only ones that actually drained memories of their pilots, doesnt that mean, that 200 years later when Saki is flying around..that would mean that someone is piloting Unit1. So then i guess they’ve been burning through ALOT of people just to keep the other units afloat. Also, this would also result in Shoko having to die in a couple of years after Haruto’s death. There are so many holes in this ending right now. If the producers figured that this was a good ending, maybe they need to step down from storyboarding for some time. Feel free to disagree, but i have plenty of questions and arguments to share if u guys/girls would like to discuss.

      1. Aleris Celt Post author

        Shoko is piloting Unit 01, and I guess she’s getting her runes from random students. As long as she has a sufficient rune supply, she should remain immortal. HAHA I’m gonna email you, we can discuss all these.

    3. Maki

      I think the child is Haruto’s and L-Elf’s. I think Haruto x L-Elf is the cutest thing ever. They complement each other sort of. Anyway, the kid basically looks like a mixture of them. And I doubt Haruto had enough of L-Elf for his genes to be dominated and some girl’s by the hair color white. Plus there isnt anything that looks like the girls in the child. The child legit looks like the two guys. I think the genes of both L-Elf and Haruto were taken to create a great child.

      1. Aleris Celt Post author

        DO THE S3 CHANT. S3. S3. S3.

        Also, all of you are hardcore Saki fans?! I actually think that if Haruto were alive, he would be happier with Shoko. But he would have no memories omg.

  7. Andrea

    @Aleris Celt: yeah. I prefer Saki than Shoko. I prefer the fighter than the leader.hehe

    @Okami: Sorry I actually like that Haruno died. I’m such a sadist. Haha. If he will not die it will be unfair to Marie, who died after all her memories are erased. Moreover I agree with @Aleris Celt that Haruto dying will spare Shoko and Saki feelings of jealousy and hatred if Haruto will choose one of them. Haruto dying is the best tragic ending. It is best that he die than be an empty shell without memories. So long as L-elf and A-drei are alive, I am content. haha

    @117: I doubt there will be a season3. We’re left hanging, just like how Sunrise finished Code Geass. The ending is left for us to guess…until our brains bleed. LOL

    1. 117

      @Andrea i know Season 3 is very slim like Code geass and Guilty crown then tease us with games and prequels with different protagonists

    2. rainfield

      @Okami and anyone else that think L-11 and A-2 are ok. I have problems letting A-2 become one of the good guys. L-11 barely made it, those guys were practically royalist nazi’s future style. CBA why could’nt they drop dead instead. You all might think im crazy, but consider how many innocent lives they’ve taken with that uprising…No thanks, let them redeem themselves with the good actions they did and let them be the sacrifices, they arent even programmed for happiness, why should someone that is programmed for it loose everything?!

  8. 117

    The reason why I like Saki more than Shoko because of many reasons like she was raped and one should take responsibility plus she did not abandon haruto. I understand why Shoko did what she did and agree with it because the prime minister thing. but I still don’t agree with her abandoning him in the most crucial times. :S3S3S3S3S3

    L-elf should keep Lieselotte in his heart forever i agree with that because I see L elf dying lonely and sad for his characterization S3S3S3S3

  9. Andrea

    @117 : i agree!!! i wish there isn at least an OVA episode to clear the ending.haha. or a new season of the next generation Valvrave pilots with the little prince as the main protagonist.hehe

    1. 117

      @Andrea just wait a couple of years and we might have OVAs of this anime but I think that will also be impossible to because it did not got the same popularity as code geass (I think) But who knows it might become super famous and resulting to the creation of S3

      1. Aleris Celt Post author

        OMG yes, an OVA is highly possible! And the little prince as protagonist? HELL YEAH. Very very few shows have a third season (I can’t think of any now) so yeah… don’t be too disappointed.

  10. jovan

    it really hurt when haruto died. You know his eyes didn’t gloss over like that other girl, so maybe… But anyway I wanted him to end up with saki too. Either way i think his death actually caused both saki and shoko more pain than, seeing him with another girl, because when you love someone you want whats best for them, if there happy your happy. They should have let him live, even if it was with out his memories. Do you any of you have any writing skills, I’d love to read an alternate where haruto lives and end up with saki. Also do you think if enough people petitioned for a different ending would they make one?

  11. jovan

    I put some thought into different endings besides the suggestions you guys made.
    (1) Haruto forgets everything up to the point when he’s on the moon with L-elf, when L-elf asks ‘do you remeber our pact’ Haruto responds something like ‘A promise, a promise to bring revolution’ (i know thats kinda corny sorry). Since he’s pretty much blank shoko and saki are almost on even ground, also since piolting the valvrave would prove fatal if he did it again, he could perhaps fight on the ground and be trained by L-elf. Maybe he could master using that runes power he used on the moon.
    (2) While battling cane Haruto, taps into L-elfs runes as well that way both of them lose some memory’s but neither dies.
    (3) Harutos funeral is broadcast globally, his father see’s it, and knows theres away to save his son, he works his way to the school some how and tells them that harutos body should still be intact, because he decomposes extremly slow, and that bringing him back to life is just like starting some ones heart, all they have to do is pulse some of there runes into him and he’ll regain contentiousness, no longer being an empty shell. First shoko pulses on his chest with the green light, after being unable to do it by her self saki takes his head into her lap and both saki and shoko pulse at the same time reviving Haruto.

    So what do you guys think?

    1. Aleris Celt Post author

      Haha wow, looks like YOU could write a fanfiction. To answer the other comment, Haruto’s eyes were blank until L-elf told him that they were f-f-friends! Aww! Maybe those words resounded within the vestiges of Haruto’s memories because friendship was really important to him, but in the end we’ll just have to accept the official ending– Haruto’s death. Also, Shoko and Saki are both extremely strong girls who know how to put up a brave front even when they’d feel like breaking down. But they’re actually sensitive and I don’t know… I wouldn’t want Haruto to end up with either girl because it would be really painful.

      For your ideas, (2) sounds the most plausible. As for (3), I don’t think that runes that have been lost can be gotten back. They can only use runes of other people beforehand to power the Valvrave.

      First shoko pulses on his chest with the green light, after being unable to do it by her self saki takes his head into her lap and both saki and shoko pulse at the same time reviving Haruto.

      WOW HAHAHA well you… go and write a great story for us!

    2. 117

      I like the number three best but i do not like his dad so i wish you could revive him in different timeline too like in the future where the third galactic empire is in its peak. You could state that the memories that were lost in using the valvrave were stored digitally or something in a database inside the valvrare just not in the form of runes like in the final moments showed in the series where haruto’s or shoko’s memories are showing up in the screens inside the cockpit. and being in the future the possibility of passing stored memories into a human brain very easy and harvesting runes is much more humane and easy too and etc. plus just say that haruto’s body is in a cryo tube. sorry if my advise sounds horrible to you but this is what i hope will happen in S3 if it ever gets created

  12. jovan

    Thank you guys for your thoughts, 117 you gave some really good advice. Aleris, thanks for the encouragement, i’ll try. However i didnt mean they would give haruto back his original runes, rather i meant that they would share theres with him, since life is a form of rune in this show. I guess i could scrap this idea though and go with 117’s idea. (Oooo i just had a better idea, what if theres a battle where Harutos cryo tube is, only the girls aren’t fighting off the enemys in the valvraves, they’re using their rune pulse ability like Haruto did on the moon. In the battle Haruros cryo tube is damaged, he defrosts and falls out, after the the battle shoko and saki rush over to the body they haven’t looked upon for over two centurys. Greif stricken, shoko falls to her knee’s crying into harutos chest, fighting back tears saki turns away. Shoko’s rune lite hands grip his chest tighter “haruto, haruto” she whispers “haru…” she stops, pressing her ear closer to his chest. Nothing. But there had been something, feint thought it may have been, she heard something. Shoko pressed her hands flat on his chest and listened. bub bub, a feint rhythmic beating. Shoko’s eye’s widened, and her tears slowed, Saki was now kneeling beside her, speechless Shoko merely lifted her head and gestered for Saki, to listen as she had. After a moment saki lifted her head “I herd it.” she said serpressing her excitement, she knew better than to get her hopes up. {right here i want either shoko or saki to realize that its there runes that are making his heart beat, right now i cant think of anything, you guys have any ideas, or i’ll just come up with something later} Shoko tears open his shirt, and lays her trembling hands on his cold bare chest. For a moment Saki rests her own hands on Shoko’s, steading her. She the moves her hands right above his heart, “On the count of three” she says. Shoko nods. “One, two, three!” they pulse. His hand twiches and Saki can feel his heart beat grow stronger. “Its working!” Shoko cries. But as Shoko lifts her hands Saki feels his heart beat, slow. It wasn’t enough. Saki bit her lip. Why, she thought, why when I’m so close to haveing you back… we promised not to give up, but you were gone before i had my chance. She trembled remebering her last moment with him, No i cant give up. {it’s mushy right here i know, i couldnt help it though} Her deep purple eyes gazed at his innocent, restful face. Over come by emotions Saki bent down and brushed his lips with hers. A brilliant green light emanated from them, Shoko joined in pulse on his chest. Haruto’s body grew warm and his eyes flashed open.
    I know i did need to put the kissing part could have ended it at the One two three. I was also thinking that if there was the kissing part it should be shoko, but you know… im impartial to saki. This is’t my story just how haruto comes back, later on after he’s recovered they can restore his memorys as 117 sugested. So what do you think?

  13. jovan

    I respect your opinion about the girls and not wanting Haruto to end up with either one. However what if there was anther guy i mean its not like Haruto is the last man in the world. Also the kid might be Sakis grand child, her and harutos child grow up and marry l-elfs child and make a baby. However i really dont want saki to have gotten pregnant from being raped, If she has a baby for Haruto i would want it to be the result of a loving union ya know. not something as horrible as rape

    1. 117

      Wow i can already imagine what you were writing. Please let us read your story when it is done.
      You can really expand your story there like the enemy there are fighting can be rebels like the one saki were fighting during season one future flashback or aliens like the ones shoko encountered at the end of the series. You can also create a reason why haruto was being kept in that place space station maybe? like L elf top secret project to bring haruto back just in case or just to bring back his “friend” that has been abandoned or something that falls into that category. and the rest is up to you and bring in romance, action, drama and etc.. but i am still rooting for Saki. yes i would like to know why you like saki over shoko Please continue to write the story

      1. jovan

        I think it’s just like L-elf said, shoko and Haruto’s relationship is shattered. Haruto killed shokos dad, even if shoko forgives him this could still distance them from one another. Also shoko chose her responsibly as president over Haruto even after she knew the truth. Haruto is not completely innocent either he did keep the truth about himself from her. I think these factors would make their relationship less likely to succeed. However never once did Saki abandon Haruto, even after having endured being raped she wouldn’t let him apologize or blame himself. She always covers over her true feelings with her acting skill. I think Haruto honest and caring personalty will draw her out and help heal her past wounds. I also think Haruto should take responsibility for his actions, just like you said 117. For me, i know i’m not attracked to any of my childhood friends, execpt maybe one, but she and i are on two different paths, i think its the same with Shoko and Harouto.

  14. jovan

    Only one more thing, i promise, feels like i’m the only one talking in a conversation. I have another alternate ending i want to right first. I realized something as i was brain storming, shoko turing l-elf and haruto over directly led to the dude with the sheilds getting killed, which weakend the team and contributed to thunders dead, as well as harutos. Some of u might reason that if she hadn’t the truth about the magious would not have come out because the events on the moon would have never happend however l-elfs frinds already had a plan in motion to do this and could have accomplished it with out him, This really makes me dislike shoko, and i dont want it to be that way, so i’m going to write two alternate endings, i’ll work on this one first since it is the shorter story, do you guys mind?

  15. Yasuji

    I waited till I finished my school stuffs to enjoy this season.. And it turned out to be so demoralizing.. Killing every damn character is kinda annoying.. Yeah, I am still sad by MOST of the characters’ deaths, but Haruto’s death was the most annoying. It felt like they were trying to hard to follow Code Geass in that the hero sacrifices himself, and rushed it like heck. But that said I still love Valvrave damn it, I just think that they wasted its potential. I can’t believe I teared up and all that at the end, wasn’t manly at all xD

    I really hope that they’ll do a remake and correct all the weird and wrong decisions they’ve made for this series, as mentioned by someone in the comments above. I seriously wouldn’t mind a sappy, very happy version of Valvrave with a happy ending, cuz’ I love this series too much to see so many good characters die :’\

    1. Aleris Celt Post author

      You’re absolutely right, the producers definitely tried to emulate Code Geass’ ending in Valvrave. But Lelouch’s death and the subsequent resolution scenes will never be matched because Lelouch was just one hell of a king. His character was so much more deep (byronic hero KYAAA) and everything he did, from his seemingly cruel behavior in contrast to his actual single, pure intention to create a peaceful world for Nunnally, just made his death more impactful. He was resigned, but he never regretted sacrificing himself as a pawn for the greater good.

      LOL I digress, but yes Valvrave’s ending was obviously less evocative. I wouldn’t say that an alternative ending would be safe though, especially with the love triangle and the danger of incurring the wrath of Saki/Shoko’s fanboys. I dunno, but yeah it’ll be cool if Haruto could actually take a stand and make his choice properly for once. All in all I love Valvrave a lot too :)

  16. Cassandra

    Valvrave the Liberator as a whole was a great series but the way it ended felt really sad. Shoko never told Haruto her complete real feelings. And also the boy who looked like L-Elf’s son was never explained. I think the little white-haired boy though was L-Elf and Shoko’s son since he seemed closest to her in Season 2 rather than Rukino. And Liselotte, well, died.

  17. Jameison Hyson

    I am sure that there will be a continuation of the series in the near future as the producers mentioned in an interview. The staff just needs time to come up with new ideas and finish other things before announcing it and they could even be making right now in secret because they don’t want to risk leaking mid production material to the public, so until then keep a look out.

  18. Ema

    The kid talks to Saki as an aunt he has a crush on in her manga. She’s not pregnant at all after months passed, a cd drama released nearly a year passed from this with Saki, L11 and A3 confirm it (she flirts with A3 there btw, invites him to see one of her concerts and helps him and L11 to reconciliate further).
    Test tube descendant of L11 and Haruto is more likely. Shouko passed the leadership of yet to be named survivors to L11 and so he became the leader and his country was the seed of the new Empire, while she became a pilot. It’s also possible they had a child and their children would also resemble Haruto, but I doubt it.


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