Tag Archives: stress





SORRRRYYYYYY ABOUT THIS!!!!!!!!!! I’m just frustrated because the puny pathetic painful one-week March holidays are as good as gone and being the lazy ass that I am, no work had been completed. AND NOW I’M STRESSING. But still procrastinating. I swear I have the attention span of an ant and i’m just the epitome of an unproductive slob. No matter how far I think i’ve matured or gotten in life, i’m still the same old slouchy dreamer.

Okay I can’t give up on myself, so bye. But in case you haven’t heard of it, here’s something for all of you who are desperately hunting for bishies. The Swimming Anime. (You have got to watch the PV) I really hope it gets produced because the characters are just too dashing. Ok. I need discipline. Can. Can. Akikan. Can.

C’mon we can do this…..

Random Musings

So yeah hi! What do I feel like right now?

A terrible spoilt brat. And obviously it has got to do with homework. After all, that’s a 15-year-old student’s greatest nemesis, right? And it’s gotta do with the fact that it’s 2am. I’m turning nocturnal nowadays. Not that i’m complaining, but I get so tired and sleep in class. And I realized yesterday during recess that my classmates were passing down this message, which was to all stare at me. Yeah I was sleeping in an awkward position and I didn’t even realize my classmates’ evilness. Wait but that’s not the point. Continue reading

School Starts Again

Dreadfully, school reopens tomorrow.

Actually, I don’t know if I should be happy or sad. My life would go back to being an active, fully packed and productive one. And course add in the homework, stress, exams and tiredness.

Idk idk idk idk idk, having mixed feelings. But at least an active life sounds good. Human interaction is healthy though tiring. No more slacking off.

I don’t know.