Tag Archives: anime songs

Sweet Anime, What Have You Done!?

Uh-oh. Warning: this is gonna be another stupid rant about me, my life, and the terrible thing called homework which is haunting and persecuting me relentlessly. And of course, in the middle of this whole mess is the wondrous double-edged sword, sweet with a bitter aftertaste. ..And it’s…. ANIME.

OMG YES. I KNOW IT’S A BISHIE. CALM DOWN. I’ll just say this. Anime is freaking addicting and it has gotten worse ever since I found one whole pile of awesome anime to watch. I’ve been so excited just thinking about it, but one cannot expect to marathon anime and not have any negative repercussions. Of course, yes, homework and projects. Tomorrow, Monday, is an unexpected school holiday so my stupid Chemistry project (which I have no idea how to do and I haven’t started on it lol) is due then. And I shall not harp on the fact that I have no idea on what’s going on in class again.

I feel guilty, but I watch anime. AND HERE’S THE THING. My parents. Continue reading


(Okay, I added few unnecessary ‘z’s there)

So recently I stumbled across this blog called Animenz, whose author is a legendary transcriber of anime songs and a really good pianist too. Seriously, you should go check out the stuff he plays. My personal favorite would be Yoake Umarekuru Shoujo from Shakugan no Shana.

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