Tag Archives: exams

A Short Post!

Hi!!! Haha this is not supposed to happen, but there’s this really strong urge to just post something here again even though I should not be distracted.

BUT GOOD NEWS, I JUST FINISHED MY MATHS ASSIGNMENT! Lol. Okay uhh.. these few days, i’ve been seriously determined to concentrate on the upcoming end-of-year exams. I wanna do well so that when it’s over, I can finally enjoy myself and not regret/worry about stupid mistakes that I had made. But this blog as well as anime keeps popping out in my thoughts –like its just there forever! xD So there’s this inner turmoil.

Do work…. check anime sites…. NO.  Continue reading

Umm.. Short Hiatus

Hey guys! *tumbleweed floats by…* So i’ve got a few things to say :)

Firstly, LOOK! WHAT DO YOU NOTICE NOW!? It’s large and long and definitely hard to miss. It’s….. new banners/headers!!! Aren’t they all so pretty? xD Heh. Rei the awesome helped to edit them and made the design so well! (THANKS AGAIN!) I’ve added this new banner gallery page thing that can be found when you place your cursor over ‘the gallery’. How cool is that.

“Very cool,” she says.

Next, as the title of the post suggests, i’ll be going into hibernation hiatus for a short while BUT THE REASON IS TOTALLY LEGIT. Continue reading

A Girl’s Emotional Turbulence

It could be PMS, or maybe it’s just my pent up feelings as a girl (I don’t know about guys). But there are times in this world that I just feel so screwed up, so stupid and so empty. Maybe it’s a major teenage identity crisis again, but I’ll never forget the dark periods in my life this year and last year when I couldn’t even say that I was alive.

I was seriously like that, during the end-year exam period last year. I didn’t see the purpose of me living and felt like absolute shit, because I had no purpose in life. I was completely absorbed by anime, but even while reading manga I was stricken by guilt because there were ongoing exams, but I continued reading. I just reading on and on. Continue reading

School Starts Again

Dreadfully, school reopens tomorrow.

Actually, I don’t know if I should be happy or sad. My life would go back to being an active, fully packed and productive one. And course add in the homework, stress, exams and tiredness.

Idk idk idk idk idk, having mixed feelings. But at least an active life sounds good. Human interaction is healthy though tiring. No more slacking off.

I don’t know.